Thrift Shop Stop!


January 31, 2013 by Decorum DIYer

When I read Young House Love’s post last week, two things happened:

1. I found a relatively new song that I absolutely love (it’s the horn in the background and the thrift shop thrill that excite me), and

2. I found an excuse to get out of the house and spend some money. (This took some convincing my husband.)


(Photo credit to YHL)

So, without further ado, allow me to share the song/video, “Thrift Shop” which has me shaking my groove thing and itching for a good thrift shop deal:

WARNING:  Tell your kids and grandma to go in the other room.


Too many ‘f’ bombs to count.

(Sorry, but it is still I good song.  I promise.)

So, you ask, what did I get with twenty smack-a-roos?

Well, first, allow me to show you the obligatory

“I got twenty dollars in my pocket”

photo, per YHL’s request:

(Warning #2:  Dork Alert)


Would you believe this is the best photo I could get?
I was alone and it was cold, dark, and windy.
You can barely see the ‘Thrift Store’ sign in the background.

See…, it is possible to photo bomb your own photo.

Well, I spent $17.00 and found some wonderful items that make me swoooon!

 There were some other things I wanted to take home with me, but they weren’t ‘needs’ and I really shouldn’t spend more than the $20.00.

So, here we go!

A little, ancient Greek plate.  I am sure this is a tourist trinket, but I like it.  Both my husband and I have an affinity for ancient history (particularly ancient Greece and Rome, hence our son’s name: Roman).


‘Achilles and Patroclos’ $1.00

Three little birds, uh, I mean three little plates.

Latin globe plates made in Japan:


Three, miniature, decorative plates for $1.00.

And my most favorite find of all…















Only $15.00 for a silk, asian screen. The color is almost the same color as my current wall color. I call that meant to be. The screen is 70″ wide and 35″ inches tall. It fits perfectly on the wall under my odd, high-on-the-wall windows.



Section #1


Section #2


Section #3


Section #4

It was a great trip, considering I only had fifteen minutes, as I was on my way to a zumba class.  Given my short shopping time (and lack of a smart phone) I wasn’t able to show you all of the other wonderful things I saw, nor was I able to participate in the YHL’s scavenger hunt of sorts.

I know my husband thinks I am crazy, but I am really happy I accepted the “Thrift Shop Challenge”.  I finally visited a local store that I had driven by several times beforehand and I really did get some things that I adore.

Do you want to see the ‘booty‘ that YHL was able to shake up with their own self-imposed challenge as well as other’s finds?  I can tell you that one item was a doll cradle, much like the one I refashioned for Clairisse and her dollies.  You can see my doll cradle revamp here.

So, have you found any treasures lately at your local thrift shop?

Until next time…, happy thrifting!

Please consider following my blog, leaving a comment, and/or folowing me on facebook!

Update:  Look what I found on Craigslist recently.  I am sure my screen is not as valuable, but these are beautiful.


$25,000 for one screen. There are two. *gulp*

22 thoughts on “Thrift Shop Stop!

  1. The Wangs says:

    I found a huge glass globe like 20 inches wide for $5, Literally made my day. We have plans to turn it into a pendant light or tabletop terranium

  2. Nice finds! I’ll be participating in the challenge next week, too : ] Can’t wait to see how you incorporate them into you home.

  3. Love the globe plates, so cute. And I can’t wait to see what you are going to do with the Asian screen. Great thrifting!

    • Thanks! I am pretty sure that the Asian screen will fill the wall under my odd windows. The high-on-the wall privacy windows are supposed to allow for furniture placement under the window, but not when the room is too small to accommodate even a queen-sized bed with dressers along the wall. I think the space looks bare and have been wanting to add something narrow there. I think the Asian screen is perfect for this use.

  4. Great finds! Can’t wait to see you incorporate that screen. I really love those globe plates, they are terrific. I may need to get my thrift on here soon to participate.

  5. That Asian screen is awesome! And I bet it is worth way more than you paid for it. I love the idea of this group thrifting challenge. I actually recently have visited 5 thrift stores in our area in search of some specific items, but have come up wanting…this might inspire me get out there and try, try, again…but this time with a $20 dolla bill. (Love the song, too…that horn riff is so catchy!)

  6. Brianna says:

    I just stumbled upon your blog through the YHL link up, but thought I’d mention that my great-grandmother had a screen very similar to that, and I said my first word (“bird”) pointing to the screen. I have that screen now– so beautiful. I’ve never seen another one like it, until you posted it. Hope you do something great with it. I haven’t been able to figure out what to do with mine and I’ve had it for 6 or 7 years now.

    • Brianna, what a heart touching story. Now, (whatever I do with it) whenever I look at this screen, I will think of you, your grandmother, and ‘bird’. My son, Ascher, is just now starting to talk. Maybe he, too, will point to the asian screen and say, “bird”. 😉

      I am so happy everyone loves the screen. I feel obligated to do something amazing with it. Honestly, I really think hanging it below the window is the way to go for me. I thought about behind the bed, under the window, but too much of its loveliness would be hidden. Nope, I want it front and center under the first window one sees as he/she enters my bedroom.

  7. JS says:

    Wow! That screen is a real jewel. Good for you. “Meant to be” is the best feeling…

  8. Suzz says:

    Glad to hear you’ve reZumed Zumba! I too have intentions – actual plans! – to return come next month with a friend. I am very hopeful that by registering ($$) for the class with a friend that I will be able to make it work.

    As for thrift shopping – I grew up on second hand shopping, from Goodwill to consignment shops. Most recently, my Mom and I took Sarah to Edgewood Thrift (Edgewood) and 2nd Avenue (Middle River) on the 21st. Although I found some fabulous blankets for Sarah (who has outgrown her swaddling/receiving blankets), I was surprised to not find a lot of clothing in her next size (9 mos). What I realized is that I was able to find up to 6 months and over 12 months easily – but in between was slim-pickings. Although disappointing, I was glad to know this so that I could “give up” on “holding out” for thrift-store finds for her next set of clothes. I can “change” the price-limit I am willing to pay/piece in my head … at least for now. Hopefully once Sarah advances to size 12 mos +, I can find more thrift-store finds.

    I look forward to seeing how you incorporate the screen in your master bedroom.

    What thrift store did you go to?

    • A new thrift store, simply named “Thrift Store” on the corner of Eastern Avenue and Graces Quarters Road in Oliver Beach/Chase.

      Odd that nine month clothes are difficult to find.

      • Suzz says:

        My theory on the 9 mos clothing is that the littler stuff is easy to find b/c so many people GIVE newborn/0-3/3 and 6 month clothing, more than babies that age can ever wear AND then they grow out of them so quickly! The very, very few items I found in 6-9/9mos were so “well-loved” that I didn’t purchase them. Hopefully, I will have better luck finding clothes for Sarah at thrift stores once she advances to 12 mos. In the meantime, I am VERY lucky to have a neighbor/friend with a 5 year old daughter who was born in August (Sarah was born in July), so I have some of her clothes to look forward to Sarah wearing!

      • Suzz says:

        Here’s an interesting idea for your BLOG (if you have the time/desire to include it). A rating of thrift stores – even if it’s a small collection of stores in your specific area (which I happen to be a part of), you explain WHY said-store gains the “Christine-Seal-of-Approval,” and solicit readers to submit their favorite stores in their area(s). Just a thought.

  9. I loved those globe plates – seriously, keep saving the plates you collect and do some cool collage! I did one with all my thrift store plates in an old world tuscan theme…..

    Thanks for your comment too 🙂

    • That is somewhat of what I was thinking. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Heading over to view your plates now. Great blog, by the way. I’d like to take home decor classes just to see if it is something I could honestly do.

  10. Great job on your thrift store scores! Those are awesome.

  11. […] visiting a local thrift store for Young House Love’s (YHL) Thrift Store Challenge, I’ve visited the same, hidden thrift store a few times.  Each time I shop there, I see […]

  12. […] master bedroom. (No, well you can check out my baby steps here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and oh here.  Yeah, those should keep you […]

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