“Rock Liebster!”


November 9, 2012 by Decorum DIYer

No, this isn’t a misspelled post about the B-52’s song “Rock Lobster”, although; the first time I read the word ‘liebster‘, I immediately said ‘lobster’ in my head.

Actually, this post is much more exciting than that.  What could be more exciting than a totally awesome song by the B-52’s, you say?

Well, one of my newly found blogger friends has nominated me for a “Liebster Blog” award.

Christina, of the ‘Floridays Mom‘ blog was kind enough to think of me. Thank you, Christina! According to Christina, ‘liebster‘ means ‘favorite, beloved, and/or dearest’.  So, she has chosen me, among others, as one of her favorite new-comer blogs!  Isn’t she the best?

Be sure to show Christina some blog love by stopping by her blog and poking around.

Well, I guess you could say that she totally rocks!

The whole point of this “Liebster Blog” is to foster networking and extend welcomes to new and up and coming bloggers, like me and Christina.

Here are the “rules”
1. List 11 facts about yourself
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you
3. Create 11 new questions for the bloggers you nominate for the award.
4. Choose 5 bloggers (some sites say 11)  with 200 or less followers to nominate.
5. Go to each blogger’s page and let them know about the award.
6. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to his/her blog!

So, are you ready?  Let’s play along and see if you have been nominated as one of my liebster blogs!

Eleven Facts About Me
  1. I have a scar that looks like a leech on the inside of my right knee.  It was the result of a childhood mishap with a play/child-sized ironing board.
  2. I am a lifelong dancer.  My dream is to dance until the last day of my life.
  3. I am not photogenic and therefore avoid photographs, but I have no problem dancing on stage before large audiences.  It’s my dancing that makes me pretty because you can see who I am on the inside. 😉
  4. I love all things geography and science related.
  5. My husband and I lost our first pet, Anabella, our cat, earlier this year.  I was surprised as to how much it hurt. She was, after all, my first ‘child’.
  6. I have hazel eyes that change daily along the spectrum of green/brown.
  7. I am of Mexican decent, among many other ethnicities. (Go ahead, look at my picture again, no one, but my family of course, believes me.)
  8. The first car I purchased with my own money, a Merkur XR4Ti, still makes me smile when I think about it.
  9. I am blessed to have married my best friend. Cliche’, but true.
  10. I am a perfectionist to the point that it is sometimes a disability and prevents me from even coming close to mediocrity.
  11. I am sentimental and a very loyal friend.
Christina @ Floridays Mom’s Questions for me:

1. What’s the number one on your Christmas List –

I’m really hoping for a steamer mop for my hardwoods and vinyl flooring.

2. Why did you start your blog –

To chronicle the small achievements we have made regarding our home improvements and to save my facebook friends from drowning in my constant home decor posts.

3. How did you come up with your blog name –

I liked that ‘decorum’ sounds like decor, but its definition is: in good taste or appearance.  I think this holds true as an ideal for both decor and life.

4. What is your secret indulgence –

It’s a secret, therefore I can’t tell you. 😉  Honestly, raunchy British shows like “Shameless”.

5. Which of the four seasons do you look forward to the most –

Autumn – no question!

6. What’s your biggest pet peeve –

Poor manners.

7. Surprise!

You won a million dollars, whats your  first purchase. –

Payoff my mortgage.

8. What did you want to be when you grew up –

So many things: a dancer, a Geography teacher, and a Marine Biologist.  Trust me, there is a ‘spatial concepts’ thread there.

9. Who makes you laugh the most and why –

That is a tie between my husband and my kids.  They are just crazy!

10. Name one thing on your bucket list –

A family vacation in an RV to Yellowstone and Yosemite National Parks a la “National Lampoon’s Vacation”, sans the grandmother on the roof of the car and the dog peeing in the picnic basket. Oh yeah, I could live without my husband eyeing up Christy Brinkley, too!

11. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be –

United Kingdom (specifically, England), although, I would miss my family.

Eleven Questions for my Liebster Blogs:
  1. What is your favorite childhood book?
  2. Do you have a pet(s)?
  3. Favorite color?
  4. Where were you born?
  5. Coffee or tea?
  6. What is your special talent?
  7. Are you an only child?
  8. If you could go back in time, in which time period would you want to live?
  9. Favorite paint color (name and brand) that you have used?
  10. What is your profession?
  11. Favorite subject in school?

Okay, and now for my Liebster Blog Award nominations …. (drumroll):

(in no particular order, except the first one is #1 in my book, as she is the person that encouraged me to start blogging and has supported me since day one –                         my sister-in-law, Erin)

(continuing drumroll) – Darn, I keep writing Drumgoole, instead of drumroll!

  1. The Drumgoole Family’s Blog
  2. Heart Tree Home
  3. Power of Paint
  4. TurtleandRobot.com
  5. Decorating by Donna
  6. The Thinking Closet
  7. Because I Like To Decorate…
  8. Your Monthly Periodical
  9. Mrs. White Twig and Tea
  10. Fabulously Finished
  11. This Sorta Old Life

Each of the above blogs (some more than 200 followers, but most not) have inspired me in some way. Some make me laugh, some give me ideas, some have been ‘blogging friends’.  I encourage all of you to participate and have fun!

If you, the reader, are not familiar with any of the above blogs, please take some time to get to know them.  I promise you, it will be worth your while.

Everyone have a great weekend!

11 thoughts on ““Rock Liebster!”

  1. floridaysmom says:

    Loved reading your answers!!! My husband and I always talk about the RV thing..wouldn’t that just be an awesome family adventure! I can’t wait to check out your list of nominated blogs. Thanks for the shout-out!! 🙂

  2. Donna Frasca says:

    Thanks so much for the nomination and I wish I had the time to participate. Have fun!

  3. Wow! I’m so honored to receive the award; thank you so much, Christine! What a treat! And I loved learning more about you through your responses. I’ve never danced formally, but spontaneous dance parties are one of my favorite things in the whole wide world. I’m also a perfectionist and it can get the best of me, too!

  4. […] lamp” of sorts, the Liebster Blogg Award, from two different bloggers: Christine from Decorum DIYer and Bonnie from BonBon’s Beauty.  Two nominations in one week?!  Wowza!  It was such an […]

  5. Suzz says:

    Thanks for sharing – I enjoyed reading!

  6. oh holy moly, that sounds like alot to do! I want to do this, I promise I will try really hard… to respond and share and network on because its a cool concept – and I enjoyed reading your answers too – sorry about your cat, I have 2 (brothers) and when that time comes I know it will be heartbreaking. Thank you so kindly for including me 🙂

    • Patty, you are quite welcome. Trust me, it wasn’t that cumbersome of a job. Break it up over a few evenings. That is how I completed it. Good luck to you and I look forward to your future posts and your answers.

  7. […] Rock Liebster: fun facts about Christine. […]

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